
All posts for the month Januari, 2012

Pengertian tentang internet

Published Januari 19, 2012 by dewisekartaji

Pengertian tentang internet

Berawal pada tahun 1957, melalui Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), Amerika Serikat bertekad mengembangkan jaringan komunikasi terintegrasi yang saling menghubungkan komunitas sains dan keperluan militer. Hal ini dilatarbelakangi oleh terjadinya perang dingin antara Amerika Serikat dengan Uni Soviet (tahun 1957 Soviet meluncurkan sputnik).

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Published Januari 19, 2012 by dewisekartaji


Saat ini istilah memori digunakan untuk menggambarkan ruang penyimpanan data yang datang ke dalam chip komputer, dan kata penyimpanan itu sendiri digunakan untuk menggambarkan memori yang ada di dalam disk. Selain itu, terkadang istilah memori biasanya digunakan pula sebagai perangkat memori external atau perangkat memori yang bisa dibawa kemana-mana. Beberapa komputer saat ini juga menggunakan memori virtual, yang memiliki daya yang besar pada sebuah hardisk.

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Published Januari 6, 2012 by dewisekartaji


The Federal Reserve System, as an independent agency of the United States government, is charged with overseeing the national banking system. Since 1913 the Federal Reserve System, commonly called the Fed, has served as the central bank for the United Stated.

The System’s primarily function is to control monetary policy by influencing the cost and availability of money and credit through the purchase and sale of government securities.

In collaboration with the U.S. Department of the Treasury, the Fed puts new coins and paper currency into circulation by issuing them to banks. It also supervises the activities of member banks abroad, and regulates certain aspects of international finance.


Published Januari 6, 2012 by dewisekartaji


First, they were a team. Both men worked congenially and cooperatively, read the same books, located and shared information, talked incessantly about the possibility of manned flight, and served as a consistent source of inspiration and encouragement to each other. Quite simply, two geniuses are better than one.

They had realized from their experiments that the most serious challenge in manned flight would be stabilizing and maneuvering the aircraft once it was airborne.

In addition, the Wright brothers had designed more effective wings for the airplane than had been previously engineered.

The data from these experiments allowed the Wright brothers to construct a superior wing for their aircraft.


Published Januari 6, 2012 by dewisekartaji


The earliest authentic works on European alchemy are those of the English monk Roger Bacon and the German philosopher St. Albertus Magnus. In their treatises they maintained that gold was the perfect metal and that inferior metals such as lead and mercury were removed by various degrees of imperfection from gold.

Most of the early alchemists were artisans who were accustomed to keeping trade secrets and often resorted to cryptic terminology to record the progress of their work.

Many laboratory alchemists earnestly devoted themselves to the scientific discovery of new compounds and reactions and, therefore, must be considered the legitimate forefathers of modern chemistry.

Thus, by the fourteenth century, alchemy had developed two distinct groups of practitioners – the laboratory alchemist and the literary alchemist.


Published Januari 6, 2012 by dewisekartaji


Organic architecture – that is, natural architecture – may vary in concept and form, but it is always faithful to natural principles. The architect dedicated to the promulgation of organic architecture rejects outright all rules imposed by individual preference or mere aesthetics in order to remain true to the nature of the site, the materials, the purpose of the structure, and the people who will ultimately use it.

Natural principles, the are principles of design, not style, expressed by means and modes of construction that reflect unity, balance, proportion, rhythm, and scale.

From the outside, an organic structure is so much a part of nature that is often obscured by it. In other words, it may be not easy, or maybe not even possible, for the human eye to separate the artificial structure from the natural terrain. Natural light, air, and view permeate the whole structure, providing a sense of communication with the outdoors. From the inside, living spaces open into one another. The number of walls for separate rooms is reduced to a minimum, allowing the functional spaces to flow together.

Section 2 UTS

Published Januari 5, 2012 by dewisekartaji

Section 2:

Structure and Written Expression

(25 minutes  40 questions)


There are two types of questions in this section. In the first type of question, there are incomplete sentences. Beneath each sentence, there are four words or phrases. You will choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. The second type of question has four underlined word or phrase that must be changed for the sentence to be correct. Each question in this part has four answer choices. Choose the best answer to each question on a paper answer sheet (A, B, C, or D).



  1. ___________ both men and women have often achieved  their career ambitions by midlife, many people are afflicted by at least a temporary period of dissatisfaction and depression.

A.   Because

B.  So

C. A

D.  Who

2. Anthropologists assert that many of the early Native Americans who lived on the Plains did not engage in planting crops but to hunt, living primarily on buffalo meat.

A        B            C          D

3. Of all the cereal, rice is the one ___________ food for the people than any of the other grain crops.

A.   it provides

B.   that providing

C.  provides

D. that provides

4. That it is the moon influences only one kind of tide is not generally known.

A                                                      B                                      C              D

5. The purpose of the United Nations, broad speaking, is to maintain peace and security

A                                                B               C

and to encourage the respect for human right.


6. ___________ is not a new idea.

A.  The planning of cities

B.   Cities to plan them

C.  Plan cities

D.  To planning cities

7. A few tiles on Skylab were the only equipments that failed to perform well in  outer space.

A                                        B                               C                                      D

8. ___________ small specimen of the embryonic fluid is removed from a fetus, it will be possible to determined whether the baby will be born with birth defect.

A.   A

B.   That a

C.  If a

D.  When it is a

9. If it ___________ more humid in the desert of the Southwest, the hot temperatures would be unbearable.

A.  be

B.   is

C.  was

D.  were

10. It was her, Elizabeth I, not her father, King Henry, who led England into the Age of Empire.

A                                        B                                     C      D

11. To generate income, magazine publishers must decide whether  to increase the subscription price or ___________ sell advertising

B. if they should sell advertising

C. selling advertising

D.   sold advertising

12. If it receives enough rain at the proper time, hay will grow quickly, us grass.

A                       B                                                                 C                     D

13. ___________ that Lee Harvey Oswald may not have acted alone in the assassination of John Kennedy.

A.   Thinking

B.   To think

C.  It is thought

D.  The thought

14. If biennials were planted this year, they will be likely to bloom next year.

A       B              C             D

15. General Grant had General Lee ___________ him at Appomattox to sign the official surrender of the confederate forces.

A.  to meet

B.   met

C.   meet

D.   meeting

16. The value of the dollar declines as the rate of inflation raises.

A                 B          C                                      D

17. Phosphates ___________ to most farm land in America.

A.   need added

B.   need to add

C.  need to adding

D.  need to be added

18. Before she died, Andrew Jackson’s daughter, who lives in the family mansion,

A                                                                             B     C

Used to take tourists through her home.


19. John Philip Sousa, who many people consider the greatest composer of marches, wrote

 A      B                                              C

his music during the era known as the Gay 90s.


20. For the investor who ___________ money, silver or bonds are good options.

A.  has so little

B.   has very little

C.  has so few

D.  has very few

21. Although it can be derived from oil, coal, and tar, kerosene is usually produced

A                      B                                                                                    C

by refine it from petroleum.


22. Although Congressional representatives and senators may serve an unlimited number of term, the president is limited to two, for a total of eight years.

A                                     B                             C                        D

23. If we were to consider all of the different kinds of motion in discussing the movement of an


object, it is very confusing, because even an object at rest is moving as the earth turns.

B   C                                                                                              D

24. North Carolina is well known not only for the Great Smokey Mountains National Park ___________ for the Cherokee settlements.

A.  also

B.   and

C.   but also

D.   because of

25. The differential attractions of the sun and the moon have a direct effect in the risingand

A                               B            C

falling of the tides.


26. According to estimates by some botanists, there are ___________ of plants.

A.   seven thousand type

B.  seven thousand types

C. type of seven thousand

D. types of seven thousand

27. It is believed that a people could live on Mars with little life support because the atmosphere

A                     B              C

Is similar to that of Earth.


28. The Pilgrims were 102 English emigrants whom, after arriving on the Mayflower,became

A                       B                                                C

the first European settlers in New England.


29. ___________ Java Man, who lived before the first Ice Age, is the first manlike animal.

A.   It is generally believed that

B.   Generally believed it is

C. Believed generally is

D. That is generally believed

30. With special enzymes that call restriction enzymes, it is possible to split offsegments of

A                                                                        B

DNA from the donor organism.

C               D

31. Business partners can usually sell their mutually owned property without consulting ___________ unless they have agreed to a separate contract.

A.   other

B.   other one

C.  one another

D.  each other

32. Aeronomy is the study of the earth’s upper atmosphere, which includes their

A       B                  C                                                                   D

Composition, temperature, density, and chemical reactions.

33. Hydrogen peroxide ___________ as a bleaching agent because it effectively whitens a variety of fibers and surfaces.

A.   used

B.  is used

C.  is using

D.  that is uses

34. Psychology Today is interesting, informative, and it is easy to read.

A        B                                             C                 D

35. It is the recommendation of many psychologists ___________ to associate words and remember names.

A.  that a learner uses mental images

B.   a learner to use mental images

C.  mental images are used

D.  that a learner use mental images

36. Because of the movement of a glacier, the form of the Great Lakes was very slow.

A                                                                B       C                                                  D

37. If drivers obeyed the speed limit, fewer accidents occur.

A                                     B             C                           D

38. Justice Sandra Day O’Connor was ___________ to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court.

A.  the woman who first

B.   the first woman

C.   who the first woman

D.   the first and a woman

39. Sports medicine experts agree that ice should be applied immediately when an athlete suffers an injury to ___________ leg.

A.   its

B.   an

C.  the

D.  his

40. It is essential that the temperature is not elevated to a point where the substance formed

A                          B

may become unstable and decompose into its constituent elements.

C                                                               D


Published Januari 5, 2012 by dewisekartaji

The protozoans, mimute aquatic creature, each of which consists of a single cell of protoplasm, constitute a classification of the most primitive forms of animal life.

The ameba is one of the simplest of the protozoa. It can be found in ponds and rivers and on the surface of the leaves of water plants.